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The Institution of Civil Engineers and the Faculty and Institute of Actuaries have produced a process for risk analysis and management for projects known as RAMP. Its website is at A simplified version of the process is described at

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Software Engineering: A Practioner’s Approach, European Adaptation

By Roger S Pressman, adapted by Daniel Ince. A comprehensive guide. Visit the book’s page at Amazon.

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Current consultations at the FSA

The FSA maintain a list of current consultation and discussion papers at

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PS142: Operational risk systems and controls – Feedback on CP142

This Policy statement reports on the main issues arising from Consultation paper 142 (‘Operational risk systems and controls’) published in July 2002. It can be found at

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Risk Management, by Andrew Holmes

A book in the ExpressExec series. It gives a brief overview of several
aspects of risk management, rather less biased towards banking than many other books (and also much shorter). It covers a somewhat eclectic range of topics, and has a useful list of resources. Visit
its page at Amazon.

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Software Project Management

By Bob Hughes and Mike Cotterell. Visit the book’s page at Amazon.

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The firm risk assessment framework

This is the fourth document in the Building the new Regulator series of reports issued by the Financial Services Authority. It describes the FSA’s ARROW framework for risk assessment and is essential reading for anyone in a regulated firm who will be involved in the risk assessment process. It was published in February 2003 and is available at

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PS04/16: Integrated Prudential sourcebook for insurers

This Policy Statement reports on the main issues arising from Consultation Paper 190 (Enhanced capital requirements and individual capital assessments for non-life insurers), Consultation Paper 195 (Enhanced capital requirements and individual capital assessments for life insurers) and the audit and reviewing actuary proposals in Consultation Paper 202 (Insurance regulatory reporting ? changes to the publicly available annual return for insurers) and publishes the associated rules and guidance. It is available at

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Turnbull Report

Internal Control: Guidance of Directors on the Combined Code. Published by the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales. See
for more information.

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Managing Risk: Methods for Software Systems Development

By Elaine M. Hall. Visit the book’s page at Amazon.